Saki Sneakers - Honey Brown
Saki Sneakers - Honey Brown
Rp 549,000.00 from Rp 419,000.00
Saki Sneakers - Pink Blossom
Saki Sneakers - Pink Blossom
Rp 549,000.00 from Rp 419,000.00

Kotta Hybrid Sneakers - Remade By Tab Space

Rp 625,000.00
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Tentang Remake #forBetterEarth

adalah sebuah kolaborasi Pijakbumi bersama para ilustrator, seniman, dan pegiat sustainable fashion untuk mengolah sepatu Pijakbumi yang tidak lulus standar mutu (reject) menjadi produk yang lebih bernilai dan menarik.

Tidak Sempurna Tapi Bernilai.

Pijakbumi memiliki spesifikasi teknis dan pengendalian mutu yang ketat untuk merilis sepasang sepatu yang layak diperjualbelikan dan digunakan oleh #temanmelangkah.

Sayangnya, teknis pengerjaan dan detail desain KOTTA Hybrid Sneakers cukup rumit sehingga menghasilkan bagian reject berupa kerutan di kain upperpull tab yang miring, hingga beberapa jahitan yang kurang rapi.

Supaya kesalahan kecil tidak menjadi masalah besar bagi lingkungan, Pijakbumi membuat sebuah campaign Remake #forBetterEarth. Kami ingin sepatu reject tetap memiliki fungsi pakai dan dapat diapresiasi dengan pantas atas waktu, kerja keras pengrajin, dan sumber daya alam yang sudah kita gunakan. 

Tentang Kolaborator

Kain sisa potongan pola sepatu Pijakbumi menjadi media berkarya bagi 7 (tujuh) seniman disabilitas dan para fasilitator dari Tab Space, sebuah studio khusus di Bandung yang didirikan untuk mendukung dan memberdayakan seniman disabilitas.

Ekspresi #forBetterEarth yang dihasilkan sangat beragam mulai dari ilustrasi makhluk hidup yang harus dilindungi, bunga-bunga yang cantik, sampai tokoh idola ‘The Beatles’ yang menginspirasi perdamaian dunia.

Tema #forBetterEarth:
Harimau Sumatera karya Adryan Adinugraha
Bunga Bunga yang Cantik karya Claudia Panca Fadila
The Beatles karya Angkasa Nasrullah Emir
Kegemaran Personal:
Asinan Bogor karya Nauval Rizki Mohammad
Sepasang Robot karya Achmad Ilham Sadikin

Ekspresi Warna Abstrak"
Blue Orange 3 karya Mahesa Damar Sakti
Warna Ata karya Atalah Rakha Muhammad

Ketentuan Produk

Proses Remake #forBetterEarth dilakukan secara handmade sehingga setiap pasang sepatu akan memiliki sentuhan yang berbeda.

Jika warna dan ukuran Kotta Hybrid Sneakers yang kamu inginkan tidak tersedia, kamu bisa custom-made melalui WhatsApp Chat admin Pijakbumi disini.

  1. We provide opportunities for customers who want to return or exchange their products for these 3 following reasons: the size received is still not fit, damaged / defective or missing part, and wrong product(s) arrived. Returns, exchanges, and refunds are only eligible for footwear that is unworn, unwash and in its original condition.
  2. Please send us the unboxing videos and photos. Once your complaint is approved and product replacement is available, our Customer Care will give you the Return and Exchange Form. Please note that you have to send back the product to our warehouse within a maximum period of 7 working days after the product arrives.
  3. Return and exchange is free. Exchange is eligible only for products that have equal or higher prices. If the product replacement is still not fit, next returns and exchanges fee will be covered by the customer.
  4. Apparel, accessories, and discount/promo/sale products are not eligible for a return, exchange, or refund.
  5. The product will be shipped to you. After you confirm the receipt of payment and shipping to our customer care, your replacement product will be delivered.
  6. If you need further information, you can contact Pijakbumi Customer Care at

  1. RE-BUMI is a lifetime warranty in a mission to extend our product life cycle. This warranty covers all manufacturing defects, materials and components that have been used and worn out.
  2. RE-BUMI is eligible for shoes that have the RE-BUMI logo.
  3. If your shoes are damaged within 30 days of first usage following purchase, we will repair them free of charge. Otherwise, if you would like to process a repair request after 30 days of first usage, you will cover the repair fee.
  4. Before we proceed to repair, we will ensure the availability of materials used at the beginning and in the middle of the repair process.
  5. The process takes 28 business days. The duration of the repair depends on level damage of shoes and availability of repair materials.
  6. Do let us know if you need further support from us by contacting our Pijakbumi Customer Care at
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