Coin Wallet
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Tentang Kami
Pijakbumi adalah jenama sepatu lokal yang berbasis di Kota Bandung. Berdiri sejak tahun 2016, Pijakbumi hadir dengan mengedepankan sustainable good design dan rantai pasok yang lebih bertanggungjawab. Bersama dengan para peneliti material dan pengrajin, kami membuat sepatu dari bahan serat tumbuhan, daur ulang, dan energi terbarukan.
#SmallStepsMatter, gerakan ini mengajak #temanmelangkah untuk mulai mengambil peran kecil dan menjadi bagian dari perubahan bagi Bumi yang lebih lestari.
Karya Pijakbumi mendapat penghargaan Good Design Indonesia (2017) dan The Emerging Designers Award di MICAM Milano, Italia (2020). Pijakbumi juga mewakili Indonesia dalam Accelerate2030 di Jenewa, program terbesar di dunia yang mendukung inisiatif para pengusaha lestari dari negara-negara berkembang untuk mempercepat solusi Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (SDGs) yang digalakkan oleh Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB).
Deskripsi Produk
Coin Wallet ini sangat cocok untuk membawa barang-barang kecil seperti kartu dan koin. Hadir dengan warna-warna yang segar dan tekstur 100% katun daur ulang, membuat Coin Wallet ini pas sebagai aksesori yang pas di genggaman tangan. Tersedia dalam beberapa pilihan warna indah dan beragam seperti Ash Grey, Blue Whale, Honey Brown, Maroon, Pink Blossom, Purple, dan Yellow.

- We provide opportunities for customers who want to return or exchange their products for these 3 following reasons: the size received is still not fit, damaged / defective or missing part, and wrong product(s) arrived. Returns, exchanges, and refunds are only eligible for footwear that is unworn, unwash and in its original condition.
- Please send us the unboxing videos and photos. Once your complaint is approved and product replacement is available, our Customer Care will give you the Return and Exchange Form. Please note that you have to send back the product to our warehouse within a maximum period of 7 working days after the product arrives.
- Return and exchange is free. Exchange is eligible only for products that have equal or higher prices. If the product replacement is still not fit, next returns and exchanges fee will be covered by the customer.
- Apparel, accessories, and discount/promo/sale products are not eligible for a return, exchange, or refund.
- The product will be shipped to you. After you confirm the receipt of payment and shipping to our customer care, your replacement product will be delivered.
- If you need further information, you can contact Pijakbumi Customer Care at

- RE-BUMI is a lifetime warranty in a mission to extend our product life cycle. This warranty covers all manufacturing defects, materials and components that have been used and worn out.
- RE-BUMI is eligible for shoes that have the RE-BUMI logo.
- If your shoes are damaged within 30 days of first usage following purchase, we will repair them free of charge. Otherwise, if you would like to process a repair request after 30 days of first usage, you will cover the repair fee.
- Before we proceed to repair, we will ensure the availability of materials used at the beginning and in the middle of the repair process.
- The process takes 28 business days. The duration of the repair depends on level damage of shoes and availability of repair materials.
- Do let us know if you need further support from us by contacting our Pijakbumi Customer Care at